Sunday, 30 March 2008

Installing SQL Server Express With Your Application

There are a couple of ways to distribute SQL Server Express with your application.

The first and easiest way is to select it as a prerequisite in the Installer project's properties dialogue. Although this is the easiest way to deploy SQL Server Express with your application, it does require an internet connection on the client because it will download and install SQL Server Express from MS, or your own url if you want to state one....

The other way is to embed the SQL Server Express installer into your application. Microsoft have moved the article about how to do this (try following the link to it from this article and you will get the generic "Article could not be found" page from MSDN)....

I finally found the article at the following URL.... I haven't tried to follow this yet, but plan to use this method for distributing SQL Server Express with a new wpf application I am writing to calculate corporation tax....

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